Every runner knows that winter and cold are not enemies at all, in fact, for many, the sparkling air and the pungent atmosphere stimulate the desire to run. Of course, you need to pay attention to some precautions to get the best out of our training. The low temperatures stimulate the metabolism and the organism […]

If you are an experienced runner, surely you already know all the messages your body sends you, in the form of pain and discomfort in general. However, especially for a beginner, it is not always easy to identify the reasons for a pain and, above all, when to be alarmed.

You have decided to start running to improve your fitness and to release tension. Here are 6 tips to get what you are looking for from running.

Oggi è giorno di allenamento. Come avevi pianificato, hai ritagliato una finestra di tempo per te e per il tuo corpo. Sei motivato e in forma: oggi non importa che ci sia sole oppure pioggia, non ti fermeranno il freddo o il caldo. Preparati al meglio e porterai a casa un’altra prestazione ottima.

When you are running, the most important thing is concentration, the ability to be in the zone in which the only thing that matters is to keep going. The last thing you want during your run or the training leading to it, is one of those annoying distractions that affects your performance. One of the most common – and really irritating – problems is the so-called jogger’s nipple.